Installing blohg

This section will guide you through the alternatives to setup blohg in your operating system. blohg is currently tested on Linux and Windows, but should works in any operating system where Flask and Mercurial runs properly.

blohg works on Python 2.6 and 2.7.

blohg is available at the Python Package Index (PyPI):


Download the latest tarball from PyPI, extract it and run:

# python install

Using pip/easy_install

To install blohg using pip, type:

# pip install blohg

Or using easy_install, type:

# easy_install blohg

Gentoo Linux

There’s a Gentoo ebuild available in the main tree. Install it using:

# emerge -av www-apps/blohg


You can install blohg easily on Windows using pip/easy_install, but it will try to build the Mercurial C extensions by default, and will fail if you don’t have a compiler installed. You may want to install a compiler, or just install the pure Python implementations of Mercurial extensions before install blohg, using something like this inside a directory with the latest Mercurial sources extracted:

# python --pure install

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